Accessibility Partners Service

Building and Supporting Truly Inclusive Workplaces and Businesses. Offering Accessibility solutions for blind and low-vision employees.

A Partner translating matertial into an accessible format for an employee

We support employees your way, using your technology and internal systems. By providing remote and virtual services over your secure video networks, for example, we keep services confidential and secure.

eye and headset icon

Visual Assistance Help Desk

Our partners are experts in accessibility, trained to meet the diversified needs of blind, low-vision, and other employees who need visual assistance.

Today, many documents are not accessible. All your employees and teams can use our Help Desk to make their documents, events, and other work more accessible. The Help Desk, for example, can provide sighted-guide services at events and convert presentations to accessible formats.Contact us to schedule a demo >

Visual Experience Support

Accessibility Partners are experts in real-time visual interpretation. This means they provide customized support that interprets visual information at events and meetings as they happen, converting them to accessible formats. For example, they can provide audio descriptions of visual presentations.

Managed Full-Time Staff

For employees who need one-to-one visual accessibility support, we provide personalized full-time assistance, with workplace accommodation plans. We offer in-person, remote, and hybrid support.

Dynamic Solutions

We provide customized dynamic support that evolves with your career. We use current and emerging inclusive practices to communicate visual information. This ranges from interpreting complex data to integrating assistive technologies into an employee's workflow.

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Nora Genster

Meet Nora Genster

Nora Genster is Senior Director of the Employment Transformation Collective at Northwest Center. She joined Northwest Center in 2022. Nora oversees a portfolio that creates workplaces where all employees can do their best work. Prior to Northwest Center, she worked in Washington, DC. She focused on the nexus of disability and employment in public and private sectors.

LinkedIn profile for Nora Genster